Structure My Business Webinar
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Have you heard about LLC's & S-Corp's but don't know which business structure is BEST for you?
Have you already formed your LLC but don't know if your business is structured properly to protect your assets from lawsuits?
Does you business always get denied business credit or business funding?
Do you not know how to pay yourself as a LLC owner or how to legally put money into your LLC?
Then this is the Masterclass for YOU!
Module 1: Choosing the best business structure for your business
Module 2: How to properly choose a business name
Module 3: What is the best state to form your LLC in?
Module 4: What is a single member llc (vs) Multi-member LLC?
Module 5: The difference between a member managed LLC & member managed LLC
Module 6: What is a registered agent
Module 7:How to get a business/virtual address
Module 8: What is an EN & how to get one
Module 9: What is an LLC organizer
Module 10: What is a foreign LLC?
Module 11: What is an anonymous LLC?
Module 12: Why your LLC needs an Operating Agreement.
Module 13: Business banking the proper way
Module 14: LLC annual reports
Module 15: How are LLC's taxed?
Module 16: How to reactivate an inactive LLC
Module 17: What is a S-Corp
Module 18: How to pay yourself as a LLC member
Module 19: Running multiple businesses under one LLC
Module 20: What is a series LLC
Module 21: What is a holding company
Module 22: What is a parent/Umbrella Company
Module 23: What to do with your LLC if you move states
Module 24: How to legally put money into your LLC?
Module 25: How to get branded email address
Module 26: How to get a business phone number
IMPORTANT: This masterclass is for educational purposes only and does NOT create an attorney -client relationship between you and Joi-Lin Hunt. Nothing on this site should be construed as legal advice. Use of this Site, and purchase of any documents, are subject to Terms & Conditions.